Proving Grounds preparation boxes for OSCP

Here's a quick list of boxes in the Offensive Security Proving Ground platform thaat i used to prepare for the OSCP exam. These are from the "Practice" section so a premium subscription is required, in alternative you could try to find these boxes on websites like VulnHub (

I'll try to update this list as often as i can, feel free to suggest some more.

I don't remember from where i got the original list that i have since modified, if you happen to know i'll add some credits here.


  • ClamAV
  • Wombo
  • Fail
  • Nibbles
  • Banzai
  • Hunit
  • Dibble
  • Zino
  • Hetemit
  • Peppo
  • Postfish
  • Malbec
  • Sybaris
  • Fail
  • ZenPhoto
  • Readys
  • Nukem
  • Walla
  • Pelican
  • Snookums

Retired or removed

  • Sorcerer
  • Hawat
  • Payday


  • Nickel
  • Slort
  • Authby
  • Jacko
  • MeatHead
  • UT99
  • MedJed
  • Algeron
  • Billyboss
  • Hutch
  • Heist
  • Vault
  • Shenzi
  • DVR4
  • Craft

Retired or removed

  • Hepet
  • Butch
  • Kevin
  • Metallus
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